More Whips of H.Rutherford

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Robert Gage
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Post by Robert Gage »

Hayes, Ron is right. That handle in particular looks like 'Hayes Rutherford'. Well done!
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Hayes Rutherford
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Post by Hayes Rutherford »

Thank you Ron and Robert. In time I hope to add some wood that is more exotic but I need to convince myself the whips are worthy. I'm seeing a pattern develop where the socket hole has been 11/16" on my whips that are 4tt core, 8 plait belly and 12 plait overlay(or 14 plait on this one) so easy enough to change out a handle for whatever reason.

I hope to experiment with the lead core fish line more in the future, and will be using the Anchorseal as well. I think this is a good way to wax a whip for someone that doesn't want to invest in a cooker and large amount of parrafin wax.
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Flemming Bo Christiansen
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Post by Flemming Bo Christiansen »

Great whip Hayes. What do you think about cracking a cowwhip?

I have cracked a cowwhip today and I think you have to get used to it being able to twist the handle a little if you do not follow the natural movement. Conversely, it is a good indicator that you are walking something the whip does not like.

What do you think ?
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Mark Elliott
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Post by Mark Elliott »

Very nice work, again. The taper looks very even and the drops are smooth. the handle is still the highlight, though, for sure. Very elegant looking. Would you be interested in trading whips? I think we could both learn something from it.
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Hayes Rutherford
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Post by Hayes Rutherford »

Thanks so much for the feedback.

Flemming, I do notice what you refer to. I have read about cow whips being loosely mounted but mine are not. I do notice easier cracking when held a certain way and this varies between the whips I have made so far. Lots to learn about taper, weight, stiffness, etc.

Mark, thanks so much. I would be happy to do some trading! Maybe talk by phone some time?
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Rachel McCollough
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

Very nice whip, great handle!!
Inch by inch.
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Ben Varsek
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Post by Ben Varsek »

Hayes, it's amazing that even your first whips have that specific and very stylish signature look. I wish my plating would look as good as yours on my fist whips - very, very good job!

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Hayes Rutherford
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Post by Hayes Rutherford »

Thank you Rachel and Ben Maybe some added patterns one day.
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Jyri Haveri
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Post by Jyri Haveri »

Very nice whips!
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Hayes Rutherford
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Post by Hayes Rutherford »

Thank you Jyri.

Here is a 5'0 that I sent to Mark for a trade and a 12" unfinished handle as an alternate or separate project. Hope you like it and please be brutal on any feedback as I'm here to learn and pretty thick skinned.

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Robert Gage
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Post by Robert Gage »

Hayes, a 5-footer with such a long handle must be very fast. Probably too fast for me - but for those who like such whips, terrific! :)
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Mark Elliott
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Post by Mark Elliott »

Sweet! I can hardly wait to get my hands on it. Should have yours in the mail by Friday.
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Ross Buckley
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Post by Ross Buckley »

Hayes that is another beautiful looking whip well done
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Hayes Rutherford
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Post by Hayes Rutherford »

Thank you Ross.

A couple more with birch handles and flat black rattle can lacquer. The swelled part of the grip on these was set at 1-1/8, the short one measures 12" long and the longer one is 14-3/4". Looks like I will need to make another batch of ferrules soon! The aluminum is bored to 15/16ths i.d. and the handle is bored to 11/16". When the ferrule is fit , 1/8" wood remains which I feel is the minimum but very strong when epoxied on. This will scale up if and when I make a whip with greater diameter. C&C always welcome

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Ron May
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Post by Ron May »

Hayes, I like your signature handles.
They are quite recognizable.

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Mark Elliott
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Post by Mark Elliott »

I am now the proud owner of one of Hayes' whips (the one in post #30) and I have to say that the whips, especially the handles are as nice to hold as they are to look at. The whip is so much fun to crack. As Robert mentioned in a comment about the whip it is very fast and light, almost like cracking a stockwhip or what I imagine a performance hybrid would feel like (I've never actually cracked a PH whip.) Best of all, it doesn't hurt my wrists when I use it.

I've not put the shorter handle on to try our yet (yes, he sent both handles!) but the longer one is surprisingly comfortable and well balanced, forcing me to change my mind about longer handles on cow whips. The ferrule is a great touch.

The anchor seal coating on the thong is unusual. It doesn't add as much mass to the whip as wax would and since it is put on at room temperature it doesn't cause the nylon to tighten the way that wax would. The feel of it on the whip is similar to wax, though, so overall I like it, especially if you are using it on a light fast whip like this one.

The plaiting is very good on this whip, the seams are straight, there are no obvious gaps, no crossed, or twisted strands. There are no hinges, even where he switches from a 4 plait to the TT section of the tail. The strand drops are clean without any large bumps where the dropped strands lie under the plait. The fall knot is even and clean-looking.

I have to tell you, Hayes, this is a very fine little whip. You should be very happy with it. About the only thing I can see that you could improve on, and it isn't even that big of a deal, is the plaiting could be a little bit tighter.
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Ron May
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Post by Ron May »

Be proud Hayes.
I had a feeling Mark would be pleased.
Thanks Mark, for the evaluation.

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Mark Elliott
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Post by Mark Elliott »

"Always be on the lookout for the presence of wonder." -E. B. White
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Jyri Haveri
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Post by Jyri Haveri »

Very nice! I really like that red cord on black handle!
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Hayes Rutherford
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Post by Hayes Rutherford »

Thank you Jyri.

Mark, Thank you so much for taking the time. You have a nice relaxed style (I need to work on that) Feel free to repurpose the extra handle as you like. I personally liked the longer handle. The Anchorseal was applied to the belly as well prior to binding. Its easy enough to brush on and a whip could be soaked in it as well. Have not tried that yet and look at it simply as an option for someone that doesn't want to take the steps necessary for hot waxing. Might try a heat gun on it at some point.
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