The 10/10 Challenge

At the request of the members, the 10/10 challenge has its own section now. Every 10 days a new thread will be opened for that particular exercise.
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Jessie Edwards
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  The 10/10 Challenge

Post by Jessie Edwards »

I had a wonderful, life changing time in Germany, but I was disappointed in one thing in particular: Almost everyone, including myself, said at least once, "I have not had the time/desire/drive/to practice my cracking. I'm not so good at it."

This is ridiculous for members of a whip cracking community, made up of people that should be upstanding examples of the craft, to sit around talking about cracking properly, without knowing what "proper" actually is.

Adam Winrich posts routines all the time. ALL THE TIME. He is loud, proud, and rough with his craft, yet there he is--the shining example and first in line to introduce the sport to the public. He is also the shining example of eventual torn rotator cuffs, tendinitis, arthritic elbows, carpal tunnel, and the future poster child for prosthetic joints. We cannot sit around, as a community who should be setting an example ourselves, complaining about too loud and too fast without setting the example ourselves about how elegant and beautiful and healthful whip cracking can be.

We are lucky enough to have a first hand teacher at our disposal, advice, support, integrity, wonderful DVDs explaining cracking AND teaching others how to do this safely at our disposal as well. What in the hell are we doing at a Whip Basic's meet and greet saying, "I am not so good at cracking, I haven't practiced for months." ????

So here we go. I pose a challenge-- and at a perfect time, as we have 2 new members anxious to learn. 10 minutes every day for 10 days we practice 1 new crack. One. Set the egg timer and go. Post what crack you are working on this session and as the days go by, post struggles you are having--"I hit myself, I feel I am throwing the whip too hard, I am not getting any kind of crack, my arm hurts, I have arthritis and need advice on how to work around it," etc. The others in the group will offer advice. If you are able or willing, post a video (I get it. Videos are hard. My time in Germany was the most photos and videos taken of me in 20 years. I HATE the camera and am extremely shy, BUT I will try to overcome because I want to be better). When the 10 days are up, we will start again with another crack. The challenge will include the same crack for everyone, despite skill level, so we can all help each other.

This will involve commitment to take 10 minutes away from TV, Facebook, quiet reading, emails, etc, every single day to practice. Do not post here with excuses. You either do it or not. If you do it, you do it every day. If you live somewhere that you are afraid the noise will cause problems, crack quietly. You can do that. You only need a patch of grass as long and as wide as the whip you are swinging.

This is a major reason why we are here, let's learn.

Session 1: Circus crack.
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Post by Ron May »

I'm in. :)

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Jessie Edwards
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Post by Jessie Edwards »

Day 1: Circus crack.

And I did mine, with--and I shudder when I say this-- a video. As soon as the video is loaded, I will add it to the thread. If I can do this, anyone can.

I had the impression that I was good at this crack. Then, I was supervised by Robby and, I had to improve. He said I stop on the down swing instead of following through. I see already old habits are hard to break in the video. Also, I muscled it more than once. Lets see if I can calm that down in the next 10 days.

Edit: Video

Oh look, I can make it all oldie looking! I also discovered the slow motion button. I can see where my loop is now. I zip-tied my phone to the target stand and just hit go and, look! I can see where my loop is now. Tell me this isn't a good idea.
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Post by Robby Amper »

Great idea and fantastic chance for everybody to improve. And I mean - improve! Everybody can watch the video of the others and learn. Or even better... Learn and help! Remember what I said about the student becoming the teacher and the teacher becoming the student? That is your perfect chance to become student and teacher in one person. And to those who are convinced they mastered the circus crack and think, it is a boring routine... After more than 40 years I still find little things on my circus crack to improve and to refine. At least you can become teacher and advisors to the others.

So - what are you waiting for? Christmas?

I watched your video. I watched it very close, believe me. And here is your list of mistakes:

a little


Aside of that - very, very good!


Shoot your videos in landscape mode!!!!! The human eyes are not one over the other. They are on a horizontal line.

Please watch THIS video: Serious. Watch it!
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Post by Ron May »

Wow slo-mo !
But how does it look in normal speed?
Should they be horizontal like Robby likes ?

I just got through with my #1 10/10 circus crack practice.
Video to follow after uploading.

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Watch it! All of you ;)

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Post by Rachel McCollough »

Jessie that looks great!
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Post by Jessie Edwards »

Yes dad.

I'm sorry I vertically propped my camera. I'm going to go right outside and do my circus crack wrong just so I can beat myself with the whip as penance for my steadfast stupidity. I am scum.

Speaking strictly from an administration standpoint, in an effort to keep all threads relevant, might I suggest your photography rant be moved to a more appropriate section of the forum? Say, the Suck-My-Big-Toe section? Hmmm? **flutter eyelashes** <3
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

:D ooooh WS !!!!!!! Hahaha! We missed much fun at the Meet and Greet. alas....
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Post by Jessie Edwards »

He knows I'm teasing. There was eyelash flutters and an emoticon heart at the end.
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Post by Guest »

Jessie, I like that idea pretty much. As soon as I have a working whip, I'll participate. As this will not happen too soon with my builds, I guess I will buy one. Which I think is also good too have as a reference to compare my own builds.

So next steps:
- Wait for supplies
- Order whip
- Walk the dog
- Wake the neighborhood (by cursing that nothing cracks *g*)


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Ben Varsek
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Post by Ben Varsek »

Great idea Jessie !!!

I will participate on this project and practice the circus crack for 10 minutes each day during the next 10 days !!!

All the best
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

Jessie, having met you, I figured, and a heart on there too!

I'm gone this weekend, from before daylight to after dark, so officially count me out this round. Unofficially I'm cracking as many of the 10 as possible. This way you won't her any official excuses! I really need to improve and learn better.

I think it's a great idea.
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Post by Jessie Edwards »

Ok get serious; we are practicing and posting about the practice. Ron, you said you practiced your crack today. Tell us about it.
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Post by Ron May »

Jessie, it appears ok I guess but then again I don't know what I don't know.
I felt like I was using a little too much muscle but it's a very heavy whip.
It was also 102f at the time and it was kind of wearing me out.
Sometimes I was using too much muscle and sometimes not.

Video >

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Post by Ron May »

Also as I understand it though a heavier whip should not take that much energy to crack properly.
I am trying very hard to let the whip do the work with myself just starting the energy to allow that.

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Post by Jessie Edwards »


How cool you look!

I can see at about 4:30-ish you are starting to wear out. Instead of your arm sweeping back at the end of the crack, it starts to kind of, just drop. This was a thing for me too and was reminded that, when you start something, you need to finish it. I think, in my opinion, That a heavy whip is a heavy whip and it will wear you out--especially when its hot outside--nature of the beast. As a matter of fact, I was going to use my own whip during the Meet and Greet day and Robby had me choose a lighter whip BECAUSE it was hot and we had a long day ahead of us. My whip is also heavy.

I think you did your crack quite well, though maybe there was a bit more push as you got tired. I tend to wonder, if your brain, wanting to maintain the same result as when you are not tired, actually forces your body to work harder. Maybe, if you feel like you are muscling it too much, try to NOT make any noise. Make that your goal. You want it to execute right, look right, maybe the crack is just the bonus...?

For tomorrow, let's try this: Let's do 5 cracks on the right, then 5 on the left and repeat. MY left needs the work anyway and it will more evenly distribute the workload and strengthen the left side. Sound like a plan? Also, we can then see what we need to work on, on the left.

I need to slow down, finish my cracks completely, force my left side to participate despite it's reluctance to look stupid, and turn my camera sideways. Good first day. Thank you, Ron, for showing up for the challenge. You get a gold star.

I think Ben was going to show up for the challenge. What are your thoughts, Ben? Oh Ben?

...Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?
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Post by Jessie Edwards »

Alexander, I wanted to say to you: Just because you don't have a whip yet does not mean you can't learn. The thong is just the thong. I wonder if you could learn with just a straight stick. It all starts with the handle anyway. A handle and the motions is all you need. When your whip comes/is made/whatever, you will be that much ahead of the game. I will actually suggest this kind of practice later on as we explore other cracks.

Ask Robert Gage about how he is learning the Victorian cutback. No thong.

Rachel, jump in when you can. This is for everyone to learn and improve when they can. If you have a day to participate on day 8--then participate on day 8. I think everyone will get the most out of it if they practice every day, but we all need to practice more often in general and often times, we say we are busy, even when we are not. This is the stab in the ass that will make practice a thing. I want very much to make noise with you when you are visiting yo' Mama next time. I'll even brave driving in Minnesota to get to you if it will motivate you more.

Also, I have terrific news. Robby has very generously offered to pay everyone participating in the challenge 20$ each, every time they turn their cameras to landscape when they film themselves, to help us all remember...thank you Robby!!! (((((Biiiig hug)))) You rule!
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Post by Rachel McCollough »

That's for you WS, and landscape is for Robby! Tell him to donate it to the pups ;)

And, one: I stink at cracking a whip, I really do...
And two:
Time for me to get back on my bike!

Three: wish I had more data to watch all the videos!!!

I really do want to improve cracking. Thanks for the push, Jess.
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Jessie Edwards
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Post by Jessie Edwards »

WOOOHOO! (((hug))) Whippy Sister! Thank you! I'm gonna watch it better in a minute and comment. I have a monkey crawling on my back at the moment that needs her bath and is demanding a story WITH THE VOICES. I can't leave out the voices. We will die with no voices.
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