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Cracking with mini pigs

Posted: Sat 2. Jan 2016, 04:32
by Roy Partin
It was such a beautiful day that I couldn't pass up making some noise in the yard. During the cracking I received a visit from the girl's mini pigs.

Posted: Sat 2. Jan 2016, 05:21
by Ron May
Roy, sounds like every one was having fun and enjoying the day. :)

Posted: Sat 2. Jan 2016, 10:48
by Robert Gage
Roy, that's really great! I love the way those little pigs wag their tails, just like dogs!

Nice calm cracking, too! :)

Posted: Sat 2. Jan 2016, 12:42
by Roy Partin
Thank you Ron and Mr. Robert. It was one of those lovely family days that was best spent outdoors. I am still trying to figure that little whip out. It is faster than I prefer and gave me a challenge on the Victorian Cutback.

Posted: Sat 2. Jan 2016, 14:31
by Rachel McCollough
I won't get to see the video for awhile, but I sure look forward to it.

Posted: Sun 3. Jan 2016, 06:36
by Grant Weaver
Nice cracking, the commentary was equally entertaining! :D

Posted: Sun 3. Jan 2016, 06:56
by Donovan de Swardt
This made me giggle, so much happiness in your home Roy! I admit I had to watch it twice because after the 1st one I realized it was a whip cracking video

Posted: Sun 3. Jan 2016, 15:58
by Roy Partin
HAHA thanks Donvan and Grant. Our home is definitely a funny farm but I wouldn't trade it for the world

Posted: Sun 3. Jan 2016, 16:48
by Jessie Edwards
Don--me too! I just finally just watched it and I was cracking up. I didn't even see Roy. Oh yeah, there he is. He was being badass...but those pigs though! And the little girl with the chore boots clomping down the driveway!!! Okay. Serious face. Focus. Roy is cracking. Try again.

By the way, your home is beautiful. I dream of having a farm again someday where the kids and animals can run. :)

Okay second attempt. Are we supposed to be giving advice? If I have any, I would say, be mindful of your planes. Keep the horizontals horizontal and keep the verticals as vertical as you can. Woah! Jumping over it like a jump rope? That is some circus shit right there. Touch you, mastah!

Posted: Mon 4. Jan 2016, 06:23
by Donovan de Swardt
So glad I am not the only one that missed the obvious!

Posted: Mon 4. Jan 2016, 08:04
by Guest
Oh the cuteness! I'm just here for the pigs and laughs. Great to see you cracking though! Spending time outside in the countryside as a child are the best things to remember.

Posted: Mon 4. Jan 2016, 12:03
by Roy Partin
Jessie I agree with you. When I watched it play back, I could only see and hear the extra stuff going on in the scene. I had to watch again to see my cracking. Thank you Erik. Its nice to be able to crack away and not worry about disturbing anybody.