New members for the RoT

The WB Ring of Trust is a group of whip makers with integrity. Their goal is to create transparency, reliability, and the best customer service available.

A big, new project. With great whip makers. Just see for yourself...
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Robby Amper
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  New members for the RoT

Post by Robby Amper »


Folks - I'm happy to announce that the WB Ring of Trust welcomes two new members. Devin Bauer and Roy Partin. They're both honorable men and great whip makers. I had the chance to review their work - well, otherwise they wouldn't be here... - and the quality they deliver matches the standard of the other members of the Ring. With Roy we have together with Rhett one more expert for cow whips. And Devin's knowledge in combining nylon, metal and wood is amazing. By the way - check Roy's artwork on his handles...!

So the Ring of Trust grows and becomes more and more a factor in terms of customer service, quality and loyalty. Every single one in the Ring is responsible for all the others. And that way the members of the Ring of Trust are able to deliver more than quality work. They deliver Trust.

Let me say a private word on the Ring of Trust. I've heard from different sides - other forums, Facebook etc. - that the Ring of Trust is a "Robby's buddies business" and that I make a lot of money on the Ring. The truth is that I have friends within the Ring of Trust. But that doesn't affect the whole thing in any way. Privacy is privacy. The Ring is the Ring. Period.

And on the money... There is no "membership fee" or anything like that. No one pays anything. Not to me nor to anyone else. The Ring of Trust is built upon trust, honor and loyalty. And not on money.

So - again - please welcome Devin and Roy.

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Robert Gage
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Post by Robert Gage »

I, for one, am delighted welcome Devin and Roy to this very select company!
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Carl Feairs


Post by Carl Feairs »

Wecome Devin and Roy. Keep up the good work!
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Roy Partin
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Post by Roy Partin »

Thank you men. I'm honored to be included into a group full of wonderful people. They all have my support and respect
He died for me, I'll live for him
Devin Bauer


Post by Devin Bauer »

Thank you for invitation Robby, I am honored to be part of the group.

It is sad that people will say things bad things about good intentions just to make themselves feel better. Everything you do with the forum is the fairest of any group I have seen, and honorable as well.


Post by Guest »

Congratulations, guys!

Honestly, I giggled a bit at the thought that someone thinks Robby is making "a lot of money" on this. Exactly how should that work? There are very few whipmakers who make "a lot of money" building them, so even if Robby would charge for the membership I don't see how that would make him rich.

- Pokkis
Lasse Carenvall


Post by Lasse Carenvall »

Pokkis: WORD!
It really should be a no-brainer to realize that.
Chris 'Topher' Holtz


Post by Chris 'Topher' Holtz »

Congratulations Devin and Roy, What an honor!!!
Jared Routon


Post by Jared Routon »

Congrats men!! It's good to hear that the RoT is growing with our own.
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Tyler Blake
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Post by Tyler Blake »

Welcome Fellas! :)
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Enoch Compagnoni


Post by Enoch Compagnoni »

CONGRATS Roy and Devin!
I had the chance to see their works during the WB meeting and it is very good to know they are among this incredible Group of whipmakers.

John M. Jackson-Tree


Post by John M. Jackson-Tree »

Great to hve you both with us :)
Devin Bauer


Post by Devin Bauer »

Thanks everyone, it is an honor to be part of such a wonderful group.
Rhett Kelley


Post by Rhett Kelley »

I'm late to the party, but I want to say welcome as well. Florida Crackers have a pretty good representation within the Ring. I like that. ;)
Fritz Ehlers


Post by Fritz Ehlers »

How very cool,
two of our very own as Jared said already.
I really like that.
William Caban


Post by William Caban »

Robby Amper, I am sorry for posting on an older thread. But I just want to let you know that this is such a great idea (The Ring of Trust). This makes it easier for people who are new (like myself) to find a trustworthy and dependable whip maker. If I was a whip maker I would feel honored to be a part of such an elite group. Congratulations to all members of the Ring of Trust (new and current). And thank you very much Robby Amper for making this happen.


William Caban
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Robby Amper
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Post by Robby Amper »

Hm. Even that you're not a member anymore... Thank you.

I have a screwdriver. I am Legend...

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