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by Ron May
Sat 20. Jan 2024, 16:03
Forum: Makers and Masters (+++public thread+++)
Topic: The "Making of" Gallery - Rachel McCollough
Replies: 978
Views: 415967

Re: The "Making of" Gallery - Rachel McCollough

It cracks better than I thought it might.
Of course being a lighter, faster whip it needs a little more energy to crack I would imagine.
Garret's skills have improved a lot.

Good job, both of you.

by Ron May
Mon 11. Sep 2023, 16:55
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: My whips this far
Replies: 191
Views: 126897

Re: My whips this far

Well done, Jyri.
It looks like it cracks like a dream.

by Ron May
Tue 13. Jun 2023, 17:47
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: Legend Collector’s Whip #4 by MG Whips
Replies: 9
Views: 30604

Re: Legend Collector’s Whip #4 by MG Whips

A nice slow low energy whip..... my favorite.

by Ron May
Mon 12. Jun 2023, 15:33
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: Legend Collector’s Whip #4 by MG Whips
Replies: 9
Views: 30604

Re: Legend Collector’s Whip #4 by MG Whips

I am speechless. The only thing I can say is...... *sigh*
Thank you so much for sharing such a personal and wonderful thing.

by Ron May
Wed 4. Jan 2023, 14:22
Forum: Makers and Masters (+++public thread+++)
Topic: The "Making of" Gallery - Ben Varsek
Replies: 130
Views: 141544

Re: The "Making of" Gallery - Ben Varsek

Very nicely done, Ben.
Was the shift in the handle planned?

by Ron May
Mon 5. Dec 2022, 22:05
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: My whips this far
Replies: 191
Views: 126897

Re: My whips this far

I really like the color.

by Ron May
Fri 12. Aug 2022, 15:43
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: My whip journey so far :)
Replies: 229
Views: 126702

What a beast.
Not a fan of the colors, but that's just me.
Good job.

by Ron May
Wed 6. Jul 2022, 02:10
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: Whips by Ethan Mitchell
Replies: 167
Views: 114972

This is going to be good.
I love red on a whip overlay.
Thanks for the update on your progress.

by Ron May
Thu 30. Jun 2022, 16:47
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: Whips by Ethan Mitchell
Replies: 167
Views: 114972

Ethan, I highly endorse Ben's suggestion.
It's the only way to figure out how your cord will react to waxing.
It's also a good way to figure out the shrinkage as well.
Measure the cord, and do that again after waxing, you'll have an answer.

Unlike people not all cord is created equal.

by Ron May
Mon 27. Jun 2022, 13:08
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: Whips by Ethan Mitchell
Replies: 167
Views: 114972

Good job on turning the wood.
It looks like a lot of fun.

by Ron May
Sun 26. Jun 2022, 13:26
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: Whips by Ethan Mitchell
Replies: 167
Views: 114972

Good job, Ethan.
It looks very much the business.

When it's time, let me know how it cracks.

by Ron May
Thu 23. Jun 2022, 17:05
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: Whips by Ethan Mitchell
Replies: 167
Views: 114972

Just registered my truck for another year.
For the life of this truck , I'm sure all the fees having been paid are more than the cost of the truck. Gotta love government fees and regulations. :p

by Ron May
Thu 16. Jun 2022, 19:18
Forum: Makers and Masters (+++public thread+++)
Topic: This is the Gallery of "Ben's Custom Whips" - Ben Varsek
Replies: 25
Views: 35986

I can see the pics as well.

by Ron May
Thu 16. Jun 2022, 18:07
Forum: Makers and Masters (+++public thread+++)
Topic: This is the Gallery of "Ben's Custom Whips" - Ben Varsek
Replies: 25
Views: 35986

That seam is straight as can be.
It's going to roll out nicely.

by Ron May
Thu 16. Jun 2022, 13:37
Forum: Makers and Masters (+++public thread+++)
Topic: The "Making of" Gallery - Ben Varsek
Replies: 130
Views: 141544

Great job Ben.
I really like the sleekness of it.
It looks like it could crack itself.

by Ron May
Wed 15. Jun 2022, 13:08
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: My whip journey so far :)
Replies: 229
Views: 126702

Great job on both, but the leather looking one is super.
I had to look twice.

by Ron May
Wed 8. Jun 2022, 03:02
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: Whips by Ethan Mitchell
Replies: 167
Views: 114972

Ethan, nice job on the whip and the crackin'.
It looks like it cracks like butter.

by Ron May
Wed 8. Jun 2022, 02:26
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: Whips by Ethan Mitchell
Replies: 167
Views: 114972

Ethan, very nicely done. Your skill level has improved quite a bit.
I like the use of the 275. I personally think the narrower width cord is getting closer to what a leather whip would act and feel like.
It's a lot more work and cord, but it's worth it.

How does it crack?

by Ron May
Fri 6. May 2022, 13:50
Forum: Whip Cracking (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: 10 crack and 23 crack routines
Replies: 3
Views: 14531

Thanks for the video, Flemming.

It won't be long, with practice like such, that you will be proficient in both hands.

by Ron May
Thu 14. Apr 2022, 03:55
Forum: Whips (+++ public thread +++)
Topic: Harvester
Replies: 8
Views: 14723

It's the same here with the wind.


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